Intelligence Theories V

 The correlations the statistical results that he reported remained identical to the third decimal. Well theoretically that sort of thing could happen. Also theoretically the sun might not rise tomorrow morning and that's probably a more probable event than what one would have had to have believed if one took Burt's number seriously. All of them remain identical to the third decimal place. Clearly something was drastically wrong. There's universal agreement among psychologists that Burt couldn't possibly have tested pairs of twins. That at least the last pairs must be figments of his imagination. I take perhaps an even more sceptical view of Burt. I think it's reasonable to suppose that he may never have laid eyes on a separated twin in his entire lifetime.
But Kamin was convinced that Burt was motivated only by his genuine belief in inherited intelligence. I don't think Burt thought of himself as a manipulator and misleader of the public. I think Burt had the intellectual audacity to think that he knew the truth prior to any actual investigation of the facts and therefore on account of noblesse oblige he was letting the rest of us get a handle on the truth by presenting us numbers that would help us to accept it. And he did us the courtesy of inventing the numbers for us.
Comprehensive proof of the part genetics play in intelligence still remained elusive but as the ' s got underway that didn't deter one man from adopting a radical new approach. In a rather sinister echo of Burt and Galton's theories Californian doctor Robert Graham reasoned that if there were intelligence genes to be had he could find a way of passing them on. In after Graham's death Horizon looked back at his extraordinary quest. My name is Robert Klark Graham and I had a dream. To single-handedly saved the human race one child at a time. Robert Graham believed that the gene pool was going downhill and that we needed to do something about that. He had this grandiose plan to remake all of humanity.
It had the air of James Bond movie meets Disney or something. Using the sperm of clever men I hope to create intelligent kids. He was this strange scientist that was trying to breed the super race. What we're doing is exploring the possibilities of genetics. I was accused of being a racist and a Nazi. I can't say that I know much about Hitler or his vision. Yet my sperm bank was operational for nearly years. Despite tremendous controversy I was responsible for the creation of over children.


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